
What is ph? Is a measure of how acids or basic the solutions is hydronium ions and hydroxide ions. What are ph values ? Do this values depend on something?  The ph is generally ranges from 0 -14 more acidic solutions have a very lower ph values a solutions which a ph values and a solutions which a ph - 0 is highly acidic.a solution that has a ph of seven is natural.others básicas solutions have a higher ph value. Check chat 3.2 about acid and bases .what  can you say about it ? Tha powerful are hydrochloric sulfuric nitric. And powerful bases are sodium-potassium and  hydroxide . What is neutralization ? Give examples Is a type of quemical reaction in which a strong acid and strong base react which each other to form water and salt. Example: heartsburns  
A helium -neon laser Israel a type of gas laser whose vaina médium consiste oficial a mixture of 85%helium and 15%neon incide of a small bore capillary tube, usually existen by a dc discharge. Bronze is alloy consisting primaly of copper commonly is about 12 tin and sometimes Other metales and sometimos non-metales ir metaloids such as asrenic phosphorus or silicon. An ice cube is a very small, roughly cube - conventionally uses to cool beverages. Ginger ale Israel a carbonated soft drink  flavoured with fingir in one of two ways.the goleen Style Is crédited to the american doctor thomas cantrell the very dry style aliso called te pale Style is a Palermo Drink with a much Milder ginger flavour.

homework by juan botero

When we compare bronze copper-tin cloudy ice cubes helium-neon lazer and ginger ale we will take all different kinds of solutions and mixtures. We get similares mixtures like Gas liquid gas solid and liquid solid. That's are the 3 types of soltions  we can get.
                                                                                                              ATOMS     Alpha particule    electron     nucleus      proton                                    Consistof two protons                  ...


Los científicos de ahora usan computadores microscopios etc. para que la información sea mas rápido y los de antes tenían que hacer varias cosas para poder hacer sus experimentos y algunas veces no podían hacerlo porque no  tenían con que y tenían que hacer químicos y todo lo de mas ahora solo mira por Internet como se hace y ya solo buscan en Internet las formulas y el proceso de todos lo experimentos necesarios para hacer